Frank finds some complimentary matches in his new room, in Elko's fifties style 'Travelers Inn' motel.

Frank has a habit of keeping a bottle of whiskey in his coat pocket. His life is often painful, and it helps to numb thingsĀ for a while.

Frank books a room for him and his brother Jerry-Lee in a place called the 'Travelers Inn', a little 50s style motel in downtown Elko, Nevada.

Frank finds an old promotional brochure in his room, in Elko's fifties style 'Travelers Inn' motel.

The motel has seen better days, but is still warm and dry and comfortableĀ for the two brothers.

He uses the little map on the back to find the town's diner, where he is meeting his long lost love Annie tomorrow.

Frank is handed a key for his new room, in Elko's fifties style 'Travelers Inn' motel. It's a little worse for wear, but represents a welcome safe space where he can close a door to the world for a little while.

Frank and his brother rely on take out for their meals as they live from motel to motel. He orders dinner somewhere local: a burger for himself and some soup for his brother, who isn't feeling too well after major surgery.

Frank has received lots of postcards from his lost love, Annie, over the past couple of years. She's incredibly important to him, and is the reason he has come to Elko.